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Scott D. O'Reilly is an independent writer, an amatuer philosopher, and a hard-core acoustic guitarist. He earned a B.A in Philosophy and Psychology from Fairfield University. His work has been published in The National Catholic Reporter, Philosophy Now, Learning Through History Magazine, Think, Compass Magazine (U.K) and The Philosopher's Magazine. He is a contributor to the book The Great Thinkers A-Z (Continuum, 2004). His books include: "Socrates in Cyberspace: The Search for the Soul in the 21st Century" and "Yes and Philosophy: The Philosophical and Spiritual Dimensions of Yes Music." His latest book is "Walking Out of Darkness," co-authored with Bridget Carley.

The role of conscousness in life is to fill in the blanks in creation.  Nature is purposeful; it aims at beauty.  Wonder is our compass.  Philosophy begins with wonder and aims at understanding.  Poetry creates wonder and aims at transcendence.  When poetry and philosophy come together, then great distances can be traversed in a single leap.

Science and Spirituality are converging.  Creation is not just distant event in the past, but an ongoing process with consciousness at its heart.  In a very real sense, the world becomes ensouled through us. 


Notable Quotes

"Philosophy may be blind without science, but science can lack vision without philosophy."

"Philosophy begins with wonder  and aims at understanding.  Poetry creates wonder and aims at transcendence.  Where the two paths meet, great distances can be traversed in a single leap."

"The self is not an isolated entity.  I interact, therefore I am."

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