Socrates in Cyberspace
Socrates in Cyberspace
Socrates was the greatest teacher of philosophy the world has ever known. Socrates in Cyberspace is dedicated to extending the quest he began -- the search for truth and wisdom -- into the furthest regions of cyberspace.
What is the role of consciousness in creation? Does life have a purpose? I explores these themes in several books I've written including: Socrates in Cyberspace, Science and the Soul, and Yes and Philosophy.
Scott D. O'Reilly is an independent writer, an amatuer philosopher, and a hard-core acoustic guitarist. He earned a B.A in Philosophy and Psychology from Fairfield University. His work has been published in The National Catholic Reporter, Philosophy Now, Learning Through History Magazine, Think, Compass Magazine (U.K) and The Philosopher's Magazine. He is a contributor to the book The Great Thinkers A-Z (Continuum, 2004). His Kindle e-books include: "Socrates in Cyberspace: The Search for the Soul in the 21st Century" and "Yes and Philosophy: The Philosophical and Spiritual Dimensions of Yes Music." His latest book is "Walking Out of Darkness," co-authored with Bridget Carley.